BASED Wrestling Awards 2020

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Nominations close 30th December 2020!

Download the nomination form

The 2020 BASED Awards Night will be hosted at the Amano Restaurant on the Monday, 8th of February, from 6pm to 9pm. RSVP for this event by contacting Fiona at

Location: Amano Restaurant, Perth.
Time: Monday, 8th of February 2021, 6 - 9pm

Available tickets:

  • $100/Adult
  • $75/Youth (under 16)
  • or $250 for 2 adults + 1 youth $250

For bookings of more than 3 please contact BASED directly.

** If you are experiencing financial hardship please contact BASED management to discuss options for this event.


Many sports have a special event each year to recognize players, officials and volunteers who have contributed to the sport. This is an important part of recognizing and celebrating success among the community. BASED was founded on the idea of positive mental health and for that to work we need young people to have positive role models within the sport and for those young people going above and beyond to be acknowledged and celebrated.

We hope that this event will become a highlight for the grappling community as a whole and an opportunity to celebrate the past amazing year as we launch into the new season. This also coincides with the end of the Beach Bash "Summer Series" so a lot to celebrate for all teams and players involved.

Award Categories


  • Best adult male wrestler - determined by WAR zone ranking.
  • Best adult female wrestler - determined by WAR zone ranking.
  • Best youth male wrestler - determined by WAR zone ranking.
  • Best youth female wrestler - determined by WAR zone ranking.
  • BEST wrestler! - Open as determined by WAR zone points. {Special Award trophy}

Referee & Official voted/selected:

  • BASED Ambassador - the person who exhibits the attitudes, sportsmanship and behaviors that embody the BASED Wrestling system. As voted by BASED management. (special award trophy)
  • I Heart wrestling - the person displaying the passion, determination and heart that is synonymous with the sport of wrestling. Voted by the referees. (Special award trophy)

Player voted:

  • Best referee or official. - As voted by the wrestlers. (3,2,1) (Special trophy)
  • Most Valuable Wrestler - As voted by the wrestlers (5,4,3,2,1) across all ages and weights. Basically build your dream team! Pick your 5 best wrestlers for your team! Wrestlers may not vote for themselves or siblings/family members.
  • Wrestling Community Leader - Nominated by wrestlers and must be seconded by a wrestler (neither may be related to the nominee) and voted by the wrestlers for the person who has made a significant contribution to the wrestling community.
  • Rising Star - Nominated by a wrestler and seconded by another wrestler, voted by the wrestlers for a new wrestler (less than 12 months & under 16 years of age) who shows exceptional heart and commitment to their development in the sport of wrestling.

Sponsor voted:

  • Most Outstanding Wrestler - Nominated by the sponsors, seconded by BASED management and voted by the sponsors. (Special trophy)
  • Sponsors may be given naming rights to specific awards in exchange for exceptional support or contributions.

Download the nomination form

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